
Wine Auction

In the festival, LES TROIS GLORIEUSES, wine auction is most famous and the biggest and international event. Many people concerned wine, buyers and journalists, many lovers of wine remark this auction and gather in Beaune from all over the world. It is charity event, so the prfits from wines are donated to charity hospital. The hospital is called Hospises De Beaune. Another name is Beaune Hotel Dieu. It means God's house. It was built for the poor and needy in1443. And then one rich man donated a vine yard. So people produced wine there and managed the hospital with the profits. Now it is one of the historical buildings and there are some religious paintings.

The auction opens at 2 p.m. and starts 2:30. Basically, it is for buyers. Wine is sold the price before taxes are added and a barrel has 228 liters. In this auction, a clock is not used, but a candle is used. The auction's time limit is when fire die. So, people must finish the auction by the time. It is a heated auction. In some case, auction finish at 9 p.m.

Wine bottles are attached specific labels. It has white background and blue mark. It is common point of labels. It is written name of farm and donator and buyer.

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